Wednesday, July 25, 2018

T.O.P. Needs Assessment and Planning Tool

As a Theatre on Purpose practitioner it is time to start thinking about your intentions for the upcoming school year.  Remember, Theatre on Purpose is the opposite of theatre by accident! I shared this needs assessment tool with participants in my T.O.P. workshop at the International Thespian Festival. I hope it will help theatre educators make purpose-driven choices!

Amy Luskey-Barth, MPC

“A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision and a task is the hope of the world.” From a church in Sussex, England.

1. What specific skills and talents do you possess that you can use in your theatre program?

2. We have the greatest impact when we are in touch with our gifts and in an environment that fosters those gifts and passions. What projects, subjects, and activities would you like to introduce in to your program?

3. In teaching, who we are is often a far greater example than what we do.   What are some qualities, personality traits and life experiences that make you YOU that can benefit your students?

4. Are there challenges you currently face that may be impacting your teaching? Are there issues that need clarification, refining or restructuring in your current job structure to make you a more effective teacher?

5. What is your purpose as a theatre educator? (In one sentence)

6. What needs do your students have that you believe you could better serve?

7. What kind of team, additional resources,  structures or support do you need to better serve your students?

8. What additional training, professional development , networking, or artistic outlets would make you a more impactful theatre educator?

9.  To whom  can you turn  as a mentor, guide, or advisor?

10. What is your vision for growth of your theatre program?

11. What can you let go of? 

copyright 2017 

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